Setting the Expectations

Hey there, future BJJ enthusiasts! I thought I’d put together a guide to help set your expectations for your BJJ journey.

What to Expect from a BJJ Class

Every BJJ school has its unique approach, but here’s a general idea of what a typical BJJ class looks like:


Most BJJ classes begin with a warm-up, usually involving exercises that prepare your body for the techniques you’ll practice later. Expect a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Also, you’ll often find BJJ-specific movements like breakfalls, shrimping, and forward/backward rolls.

Technique Instruction

After the warm-up, your instructor will demonstrate one or several techniques. This could be anything from a simple submission hold to a complex sequence of moves. Pay attention to the details – BJJ is all about precision and leverage!


Now, it’s your turn to practice. You and a partner will drill the techniques shown, swapping roles so you both get a feel for it. This isn’t a competition – cooperate with your partner and help each other learn.

Sparring (Rolling)

Finally, the part of the class that most students look forward to – sparring, or as we call it in BJJ, rolling. This is where you’ll put what you’ve learned into practice in a live situation. It’s common to feel overwhelmed initially, but remember, everyone starts somewhere. With time, you’ll begin to see improvements.

Setting Expectations for Progression

Progress in BJJ is often slow and not always linear, but that’s part of its beauty. Here’s what to expect:

The Learning Curve

In BJJ, there’s a steep learning curve at the start. There’s so much to take in, and it’s common to feel like a fish out of water. But remember, it gets better. Each class, each roll, each tap brings you one step closer to proficiency.

Belt Promotion

In BJJ, belt promotions are not frequent events, and this is for a reason. Each belt represents a significant milestone in your skills and understanding. Depending on your consistency and dedication, expect to stay at least a year or two (sometimes more) at each belt level.

Plateaus and Breakthroughs

You’ll likely experience plateaus where you feel like you’re not improving. Don’t get disheartened – these are a normal part of any learning process. Keep training, keep asking questions, and you’ll eventually have those ‘aha!’ moments that will push you past your plateaus.

Some Additional Tips

Listen to Your Body

BJJ is a demanding sport. Make sure you’re resting enough and listening to your body. If you’re injured, allow your body to heal. There’s no glory in worsening an injury by training through severe pain.

Be a Good Training Partner

Help others when you can. Remember, you’re part of a community. The better your training partners get, the better you get.

Celebrate Small Victories

Progress in BJJ can be subtle. Maybe you managed to escape a submission or maintained a dominant position for a few seconds longer than usual. Celebrate these small victories – they’re signs of progress.

In closing, remember that BJJ isn’t a race. Everyone’s journey is unique and moves at its own pace. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and most importantly, have fun! I’ll see you on the mats!

Peace and love,


BJJ Prishtina

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